Although Ben Franklin didn't probably say "show me an unhappy man and I will show you a man wearing bad shoes", he should. Shoes make the man. Shoes that are high quality and stylish will make you look great, but they also make you feel good. High quality shoes make your feet happy. And when your feet feel happy, you're in a better mood to tackle your day. Here's why poor-fitting and poorly made shoes can make your day miserable. Shoes that are poorly made can cause more pain than just your feet. Your foundation is your feet. Cracks in walls, ceilings, or floors tilting in an unfavorable direction can all be signs of a foundation problem. Your body is the same. Your feet will compensate if your shoes aren't supporting them properly. Any of these can lead to pain, discomfort and other problems. Shoes that restrict your feet will cause pain in your feet, such as bunions, blisters, and heel pain due to poor support. You can experience constant, low-leve...